
Julius Erving Quotes


“Being a professional is doing the things you love on the days you don’t feel like doing them.” “If you don’t do what’s best for your body, you’re the one who comes up on the short end.” “The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life – mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical.” “To be great we need to win games we aren’t supposed to win.”...

List of Ten Things We Want Most in Life


Opportunity to succeed (43%) The good life (37%) The pursuit of happiness (34%) The American dream (22%) A fair shake (17%) To be left alone (13%) A fresh start (9%) Everything I can get (9%) A fighting chance (8%) A new beginning (8%) The American dream has been dropping on the list because young people don’t think they will ever achieve it.  Wanting the good life has moved up in its place...

List of Ten Trust Behaviors


Communicate. Clearly let others know what you and they can expect Listen. Listen more than you talk Follow-through.  Keep your promises and expectations Own-up.  When you or a subordinate fall short take personal accountability Trust.  You have to trust others for them to trust you Respect.  Respect others regardless of their position WYSIWYG.  Be a what you see is what you get person Loyalty...

Prepare for the Warrior


There comes a point in everyone’s life when they determine the veracity of their character.  Some may think they know, but not until pressed by hardship, fear or heartache will they really know.  All other times are spent in preparation.  When the moment of trial comes will you be irrelevant, expendable, a fighter, or a warrior? “Out of every 100 men, ten shouldn’t even be...

PGC Leadership Influence


Go APE for your teamates [bosses, peers, subordinates]: A – Acknowledgement.  Make a big deal out of everything your teammates do good.  They love acknowledgement.  Show excitement, say their name, acknowledge even when you are the one who rightfully should be acknowledged. P – Praise.  You want to attack your teammates.  Don’t just say nice things, attack, make a big deal about...

PGC Leadership Communication


Another leadership lesson my daughter learned this summer at her elite basketball camp – lessons in communication: Three reasons players [leaders] don’t communicate, 1.  Too into themselves and selfish, 2.  Too tired, and 3.  Don’t know what to say NITE communication: N- Names.  Use a person’s name before you instruct them.  Everyone loves being put in the spotlight, they...

Point Guard College Leadership


My daughter attended an elite basketball camp this past summer.  Last night she let me have a peek into her notes binder.  I was impressed with the level of time and instruction given to training leadership to these athlete.  The implication is they will be called on to influence their teammates and fans. The three aspects of leadership taught on day one: 1.  Doing extra.  If you want to be a...

Manager and Leader


The manager administers, the leader innovates The manager maintains, the leader develops The manager relies on systems, the leader relies on people The manager counts on controls, the leader counts on trust The manager does things right, the leader does the right thing – Fortune Magazine There is some debate about the attributes of leaders and those of managers.  Some interchange the titles...

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