
Tuba City Mission Trip: Day Three (Sweat Lodge)

Work continued in ernest today, I never saw one of our 76 children or adults slacking…they were all working hard for Jesus. The wood hauling crew on which most of the Merkel folks were working cleared branches and loaded wood so fast the Forest service crew working ahead of them had to work overtime to catch up. Texans can certainly work.

The wood they collect will be distributed to the Navajo most in need this winter. This act of good will builds the trust Paul needs to break barriers to spread the good news.

To better appreciate the culture we are serving everyone was given the opportunity to participate in Sweat Lodge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweat_lodge Sweat lodge holds important spiritual, ceremonial and purifying purposes to the Navajo. Our experience and this account in no way serves as a legitimate source for authentic sweat lodge information or the meanings and purpose behind them. I am only recounting our experience.

As we drove 20 miles out of Tuba City, 3 miles on a single lane dirt (gravel and sand) road the sun was just thinking about setting. We arrived at the sweat lodge site at an authentic hogan on a working Navajo ranch. As you will find sporadically around the Navajo nation an authentic (and well used) sweat lodge was a short walk format the back door.


Tuba City Mission Trip: Day Two (Toothbrush for Jesus)

So this mission trip is really church camp on steroids…replace craft time, nap time, and activity time with hard core work for others and you have this mission trip. The normal Bible study and devotional time is still included for growth but the real lessons are the life lesson of service.

After a slow start this morning the seventy souls on this mission where divided into work projects including building a house, re-roofing a barn, building a shed, vacation Bible school, and hauling/stockpiling firewood for use by the locals this winter.

All of these projects help Paul break down tremendous cultural barriers in the Navajo community in Tuba City. Little by little he is gaining their trust and spreading the gospel…every soul counts.


Tuba City Mission Trip: Day One

I can’t decide how to start this series. Possibly with a mention of a cliche’ I observed when an American Indian crossed the road in the middle of the desert holding a half empty quart and another full; or maybe I should start with a discourse on the perils of long distance travel in a small van with church youth. I really want to write about the mountain top worship the Merkel folks had on Sunday night complete with communion and a great lesson by Dustin.



February 2025