Six Word Bible Story


Inspired by a tweet from Brian Chen @bxchen who referenced a 2006 article in Wired magazine I asked a couple Twitter followers to compose a six word story using the Bible as inspiration.  The Wired article promoted the concept of a six word story which is based in a work Ernest Hemingway considered some of his best that only used six words, “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”  Here are the stories Joel, Cynthia, and I wrote throughout the day.  I would love to read your six word stories, comment below or tweet to @GregChaney using the hashtag #sixwordstory

Joel Owens @Galacticasound

Why are you crying? Talitha cumi!
Ten were healed, one gave thanks.
Finally finding it, he sold everything.
For taxes due, from fish’s mouth.
From misguided faith, he saw light.

Cynthia Taylor @MerkelCofC

Saul persecuted, Jesus blinded, Paul preached.
Christ’s body suffered, sin is done!!
Adam and Eve ate, sin entered.
Naomi went, Ruth followed, God blessed!
Elisha sent, Naaman dipped, God cleansed
Faith, hope, love greatest is love
Gospel is preached; Christ saves man!!
Be clear minded, self controlled, pray!!

Mine @GregChaney

Adam sinned, Israel tried, Jesus died.
When the Spirit arrived they understood.
Nice boat Noah, where’s the lake?
My God, why me not them?
My plan requires patience.  Love, God
You found a treasure!?! Who, me?

Here are some I pulled from the Wired Article that I thought applied (and that I liked):

In the beginning was the word.- Gregory Maguire
He read his obituary with confusion. – Steven Meretzky
Thought I was right. I wasn’t. – Graeme Gibson
TIME MACHINE REACHES FUTURE!!! … nobody there … – Harry Harrison
Lie detector eyeglasses perfected: Civilization collapses. – Richard Powers

About the author

Greg Chaney

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By Greg Chaney


February 2025