
Guard against the lack of vision


“You must guard constantly against those who lack vision.  You must guard against the reactionary mind.  Always cultivate and associate with persons of vision and with persons who believe that things are going to be better.  When you do this, you take on the kind of vision, backed by the right kind of inspiration that you need if you are going to grow . . . .” Thomas Watson, Sr., 1874...

Virtual Choir 2.0


The internet is amazing.  I found Eric Whitacres’s presentation at an April 2011 TED conference to be inspirational and moving.  There is no better time in the history of mankind than right now to connect the people of the world with a common interest.  The result is beautiful.

Bible Class: Purer Motives


Bible class audio for November 28, 2010 “Purer Motives” Overview of Jesus’ Sermon 1. Matt 5:3-16 = Intro, (3-12) who will be the recipients of kingdom blessings (13-16) calling those people to live out their countercultural lives in society as preservative agents 2. Matt 5:17-20 = Thesis, greater righteousness 3. Matt 5:21-7:12 = Body (5:21-48) contrasting Jesus’ commands...

Deity Who Takes Attendance


“I don’t object to the concept of a deity but I’m baffled by the notion of one who takes attendance.” Amy Farah Fowler
“Then you might want to avoid east Texas” Sheldon Cooper
The Big Bang Theory episode 66 “The Lunar Excitation”

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