AuthorGreg Chaney

Don’t Invite Them In

“We cannot control the parade of negative thoughts marching through our minds.  But we can choose which ones we will give our attention to.  Picture your thoughts as people passing by the front of your home.  Just because they’re walking by doesn’t mean you have to invite them in.”  Gladys Edmunds

Rise From the Pain

“I am responsible.  Although I may not be able to prevent the worst from happening, I am responsible for my attitude toward the inevitable misfortunes that darken life.  Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life.  I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself.”  – Walter Anderson

Leadership Lessons From A Janitor

The following leadership lesson was circulated around our organization today.  I’ve read this before, was inspired, and moved on to the popular leadership theories and acronyms of more “modern” leader training.  But this is a story that deserves to be revisited often, it teaches lessons lacking in today’s leaders.  In an article published in the Warton Leadership Digest James E. Moschgat  (at the time a Colonel in Command of the 12th Operations Group, 12th Flying Training Wing, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas) writes about the squadron janitor at the Air Force Academy who was discovered to be a Congressional Medal of Honor winner.  The janitor was William John Crawford who earned a Medal of Honor while serving in Italy with the 36th Infantry Division but went on to become a leadership inspiration to Colonel Moschgat.  (more…)

Bible Class Study Notes: Fulfillment of the Law

In Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus introduces (or clarifies) concepts which are difficult to reconcile with our understanding of the gift of grace and new covenant.

Questions arise.

Do we follow the Law or not? Are we required to follow the Law better than the Pharisees in order to enter heaven? Is it ok to be a least in the kingdom if we are at there anyway? What exactly has to be accomplished before the Law disappears?

Bible Class Study Notes: Salt and Light

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets” Jesus said

Jesus wouldn’t have said something like that out of the blue, he would have said it if he thought something he had just said might have been misinterpreted. So for this Lesson let’s consider that the salt and light discussion to his disciples had something to do with the law and the prophets. (more…)

Energy Follows Thought

“Energy follows thought ”

These three words were my take-away from three days of leadership training. Not that everything else wasn’t good information is was just more of the same from previous training events. I probably even heard these three words in training before but it never struck me the way they did that day.

What a simple rule for Christians. (more…)


March 2025