Tagsermon ideas

Parable of the Hidden Treasure


The traditional interpretation of the parable of the Parable of the Hidden Treasure describes the value of the kingdom of heaven (treasure) and the process by which one acquires that kingdom (sell everything). But there is more to this short parable, when placed in context and in light of all teachings of Jesus the interpretation gets turned on its head. Jesus sold everything and bought us (the...

The Lost Art of Backward Planning


Jesus had a plan…and he executed it right on time. As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Luke 9:51 (NIV) Short of the divine knowledge Jesus possessed, few of us would be able to deliver exactly on time with as far to travel and as many things to do.  Along the way he taught  parables, eased Martha to the better choice, confronted...

The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Good Shepherd)


Scripture Reading: Luke 15:1-7 1 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. 2 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” 3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep...

New Moment Resolutions: Why New Year’s Resolutions are Irrelevant


NOTE:  Originally posted on thepracticalCHRISTian.net The New Year is a time of renewal reminiscent of the fresh starts each school year brought when we were children.  Starting fresh is intoxicating to those of us encumbered with a litany of bad habits and regrets we would like to leave behind. Overwhelmingly those who resolve to leave baggage behind each new year fail.  Most can make it a...

Jesus or Christ


Christ was predominately used in books until the turn of the century.  Since the 1980s the use of Jesus has taken dominated.  Overall the use of both has dropped including use of the word “Gospel.”  Data built using Google Ngram

Sermon Audio: Nicodemus


[audio:] Nicodemus When:  Sometime after he cleared the temple Who:  Ruler on the Jewish ruling council (71 members tasked the elite) V1 “As under the Greek rulers the Jews were allowed a large measure of self-government, many points of civil and religious administration fell to the lot of the high priests and the gerousía to settle.  “ “Teacher of Israel”  v10 Only the...

Sermon Audio: The Journey


Sermon Audio “The Journey” When the Israelites stood at the far side of the Red Sea they had escaped certain death and were delivered to life by the hand of God, but their journey wasn’t over.  The Israelites wandered through the wilderness before reaching their promise, and it wasn’t always pretty.  At times God’s anger burned toward them but in the end both He and...

Bible Class: Defining the Kingdom of Heaven (God)


Bible Class Audio May 23, 2010 “Kingdom of God (Part 2) Bible Class Audio May 16, 2010 “Kingdom of God (Part 1) “From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Matthew 4:17 (TNIV) 1.  A Central Theme of Jesus Teachings The Kingdom of heaven is a central theme in the teachings of Jesus throughout his ministry.  It’s difficult to gain the...

Seeing God Clearly


Picture God in your mind… If you’re like most of the people I’ve asked, you probably thought of some combination of a man in a gray beard floating in the clouds or a scowling judge glaring down from his judgment bench.  Both are wrong.  God has a presence in the world today, and how we see Him determines how we see ourselves and others. When the Spirit of God descended into the Temple built by...

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