All who are blessed with the gift of leadership will at some point discover they are the most powerful person in a group. It may be when an older sibling realizes the influence they can bear on the youngsters or when an adult is promoted to a position of authority. How we handle power is key to successful leadership, as a Christian the decision is absolutely critical.
Popular culture will beg for us to wield the power like a weapon.
Christian example will inspires us to wield power like a servant.
The Gospel of John records that on the Passover Feast before his crucifixion Jesus realized he was the most powerful man in the world with ALL things under his power, a power given by God:
Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God
There is no other example of a man realizing more power, any power we may have is minute in comparison. The real lesson from the most powerful man to ever live is what he did with that power…
…he washed his followers feet. (more…)