My weblog goes exactly against common recommendations to choose a narrow niche subject (or one with a lot of scantily clad girls) and stick to it in order to grow readers. I don’t care about that. What I care about is archiving my stuff somewhere where others can access it if they want to…if not, no big deal.
My stuff is very eclectic a varies depending on what I am currently thinking about or doing. I wanted to organize topics into pages for easier access. I love the Simplr WordPress Theme because it focuses the reader on the content, not on flash. Simplr puts the categories at the bottom of the page, even though there is a skip content option I would rather have my topics up front. After a little searching I found the topic resolves on WP forums here:
I combined a couple of the recommendations. Here’s how I did it [DISCLAIMER: I know code like I know Spanish…enough to order fajitas and ask for El Baño] (more…)