CategoryLeadership Quote

Just Do Good Work


“Just do good work. Work, and do it well. Don’t put too much thought into what it is and what it can do for you and how it will be perceived before you even make it. You don’t have control over those other things. Learn your stuff. Do it well. Show up on time. You’ll work”. Actor Steve Zahn quoted in the May 2011 American Way magazine describing advice from older...

Are You a Leader or a Tyrant?


When we as leaders get in the habit of thinking that other people are there to support our success, we’re actually notleaders, we’re tyrants.  Only when we go through the emotional, psychological and spiritual transformation to realize our role is to serve others, do we deserve to be called a leader. – Dee Hock, founder and former CEO of VISA

Team Leadership


My philosophy of leadership is that four or five of us can come up with a much better decision than just I can alone.  And if you follow that philosophy, you’ll probably have a very good, talented management group around you.  People can always perform a whole lot better than how you think they’re going to perform.  You need to really give them the opportunity to do that.  Shivan S...

Humility, the Basic Leadership Virtue


Benedict believed the basic leadership virtue was humility. Leaders had to demonstrate competence and ambition, but their passion was to derive from a desire to improve and contribute to the health of the organization, not from individual ego. He believed that true humility was a skill one had to learn and practice. John Mount, in a review of the book The Benedictine Rule of...

Leaders Doing the Wrong Things Well


“Leadership guru Warren Bennis spent years researching leaders.  He wrote in Why Leaders Can’t Lead:  ‘Leaders do the right thing; managers do things right.  Both roles are crucial, but differ profoundly.  I often observe people in top positions doing the wrong thing well.'” Harvey Mackey, “Uncommon Leadership:  It Has Common Traits,”Leadership...

Kotter: Great Leaders Have Emotional Impact


Great leaders tell stories that create pictures in our minds and have emotional impact.  Martin Luther King Jr., had a dream, not a strategy or a goal, and he showed us his dream, his picture of the future.  People change when they see something visual (the vision) that touches their feelings, challenges their thinking, and incites actions.  People may realize the need for change, but not do...

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