CategoryBible Class

Bible Class: The Blessings of Christ Part 2

Before you begin this study read Matthew 18:21-35

Servants who have approached the master with a poor spirit, acknowledging how broken and unrighteous we are without him and mourning over the sins we have committed, will have the master bring them into his kingdom and comfort us.  Only in this state can we with meekness bring our power under his control and crave the righteousness which he has promised to fill us with.   What a joy  for the  servant who is comforted and filled, who possesses a share of the master’s present kingdom  and all things on the earth becomes his.

But the question that has vexed forgiven servants for centuries is this:  What do you do once you are free?  What do you do with this new freedom?  How do you respond to when your master has made you a co-owner in the kingdom?

Jesus not only meets us where we are… he showers us with blessings.    He gives us citizenship in the kingdom and makes us rulers over the earth.  How do we respond to such great mercy? (more…)

Bible Class: The Blessings of Christ Part 1

Bible class audio for July 18, 2010: [audio:]

Bible class audio for July 25, 2010

1.  Elephant and the Rider (monkey) from the Happiness Hypothesis Jonathan Haidt (University of Virginia psychologist)

Weakness vs Strengths
Elephant (Emotions):  lazy and skittish, quick payoff over long term gain (ice cream vs thin)
Rider (Rational) :  think long term, think beyond the moment, to plan

Strengths vs Weaknesses
Elephant:  Compassion, sympathy and loyalty, protection instinct, love
Rider:  overanalyze, over-thinks, spins wheels, mechanical, no passion

When rational thinking and emotions disagree…emotions always win.

Plato:  In our heads we have a rational charioteer who has to rein in an unruly horse that “barely yields to horsewhip and goad combined”

2.  Understanding the blessing of Jesus

  • The first four deal with our own state of being, the second how we deal with others
  • They build on each other
  • Are about our heart (emotions) not our head (rational)
  • Don’t look for a list of commands to follow but a way of approaching God


The Blessings of Jesus

Bible class audio for June 20, 2010: [audio:]
Bible class audio for June 13, 2010: [audio:]

We interpret the blessings of  Matthew 5 through the eyes of materialistic and superficial Americans.  In our modern world happy has come to mean a conscience state of a feeling well or ecstatic.  If WE are happy WE feel good.  I’m not doubting that if we love God and obey his command we will be internally happy, but I firmly believe the emotions Christ was trying to evoke were much deeper.   Speaking to Jews he was asking them to recall familiar passages from the Torah (Deuteronomy 28) in which the Jews were brought into a state of blessedness because of their obedience.  They were blessed because they were reconciled to God into the peace (Shalowm) He intended.  The opposite state was cursed or separated from God.

Each beatitude pronounces the person who possesses that quality as “blessed.” We need to understand this word because, as some have rightly noted, the Greek word used by Matthew,makarios, can also be translated as “happy.” Happy, however, is not the correct translation in this context.Happinessissubjective; the same things do not always make everybody happy. And we can certainly rule out mourning as a producer of happiness. Instead, Jesus makesobjectivejudgments about the state of the citizens of God’s Kingdom. He declares, not what they feel like, but what God thinks of them. People with these qualities gain His approval. Because God thinks well of them, they are “blessed.” God’s blessing is far broader and exceedingly more important than merely being “happy.” From Ritenbaugh, John W. Forerunner “Personal” February 1999


Bible Class: Defining the Kingdom of Heaven (God)

Bible Class Audio May 23, 2010 “Kingdom of God (Part 2)

Bible Class Audio May 16, 2010 “Kingdom of God (Part 1)

“From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Matthew 4:17 (TNIV)

1.  A Central Theme of Jesus Teachings

The Kingdom of heaven is a central theme in the teachings of Jesus throughout his ministry.  It’s difficult to gain the deeper faith and understanding from his message without understanding the kingdom message first.

As you discover the depth to which the kingdom of God message is infused into the preaching of Jesus and the Apostles you have to wonder where in our church history was that message lost?  If it was so central to the original message, why did we water it down?

“It may be said that the teaching of Jesus concerning the Kingdom of God represents his whole teaching. It is the main, determinative subject of all his discourse. His ethics were ethics of the Kingdom; his theology was theology of the Kingdom; his teaching regarding himself cannot be understood apart from his interpretation of the Kingdom of God” (Dr. F. C. Grant, from “The Gospel of the Kingdom,” Biblical World, 50, pp. 121-191).

The gospel  (good news) message is still preached proudly, something from which we can never stray.  Jesus is the salvation for the world, He is the final sacrifice for sins, He was crucified and buried in a tomb, He was triumphant over death, He is the mediator of the new covenant.  What has been lost I’m afraid is the rest of the story, that Jesus has redeemed us into the Kingdom of God.  As Jesus said,

“The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached…” (Luke 16:16 TNIV) (more…)

Bible Class: Jesus the Rabbi and the Talmidim

Bible Class Audio May 9, 2010 “Jesus and the Talmidin

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

1.  Galilee – The most religious Jews in the world, a place of intense study of scripture (Torah and Mishnah)

2.  Jewish Education:

At five years old [one is fit] for the Scripture, at ten years the Mishnah (oral Torah, interpretations) at thirteen for the fulfilling of the commandments, at fifteen the Talmud (making Rabbinic interpretations), at eighteen the bride-chamber, at twenty pursuing a vocation, at thirty for authority (able to teach others) Aboth 5:21, The Mishnah, Herbert Danby, ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1985

  • Beth Sefer – (elementary school) All Jewish children attended, focused on the Torah and memorization
  • Beth Midrash – (Secondary School) Only the best children attended after learning a trade, began to learn interpretations of the Mishnah (Oral Torah) Luke 2:41
  • Talmidin – Very few of the Beth Midrash students sought permission to follow a Rabbi with S’mikhah
  • The education of Jesus:  Grew in wisdom – Luke 2:52, Participated in Passover – Luke 2:41, Learned a trade Matthew – 13:55, spent time with John the Baptist -John 22-26, Began his ministry about thirty – Luke 3:23

3.  The Rabbi (Teacher of the Law, Scribe)

  • Taught in the Synagogue, Beth Sefer, Beth Midrash
  • Teachers of the Law could only teach accepted interpretations
  • Those with authority (S’mikhah) could make new interpretations and pass legal judgments Matthew 7:28-29
  • Authority must be confirmed by the witness of two other rabbis

4.  The Talmid (Disciples)

  • Disciples would “Yoke” to a Rabbi
  • “be covered with the dust of his feet
  • Followed, learned, imitated, devoted

Next Week: The Kingdom of Heaven “From that time on Jesus began to preach, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.'” Matthew 4:17

Links to resources:

Life of Jesus in the First Century Context

Religious Leaders in Jesus Day

Wikipedia on the Mishnah

Rabbi and Talmidim

Jesus as Rabbi


February 2025